Monday, December 24, 2007

Let Me Tell You Why:

I'm just lazy. Read the fine print.

Actually I have thousands of things to blog about but by the time the page loads, the inspiration is just not there anymore. I don't like to wait to pen down my thoughts :( Therefore the arid desert.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Short hair?

I cut my hair. Again. So sue me.

I don't know what's come over me, cutting my hair so many times. I guess its become an obsession. Haha, no lah, that's an exaggeration. But when the hairdresser was cutting my hair I just kept saying in my head, "Cut more, cut more!"

I think I'm going crazy.

Let me tell you my history with hair.

I've had long hair since I was, about, Primary 2 and never ever cut it 'cos when I was about 6 years old this person cut my hair too short and I cried for 3 days and 3 nights. (Another exaggeration.) Well, I really treasured my hair back then and then was too traumatized to cut my hair short again.

This year, I don't know what's come over me, but one day I looked at my reflection and I decided I was sick of my long hair after so many years.

So I cut it the next day. Talk about being rash.

Some people think short hair doesn't suit me, but what can I do? What's done is done. Do I miss my long hair? Sure I do. I didn't miss it the first few weeks, but now, I'm starting to miss it more and more.

I should just get a move on.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Tribute to 07A06

It's official.

And it's over.

07A06 will be no more.

I've really really really really enjoyed my time being in this class and I must say, it's one of the most nosiest, unpredictable, enjoyable, fun, LOUDest, craziest, wackiest class I've ever been in. I still can't believe the fact that 07A06 will be no more next year. This is one place where I feel belonged to. These are people with big hearts.

Sorry that I'm not there for most of the outings (like how y'all in town now but I'm at home with a sprained ankle), but know that I really do treasure you guys! It's been a really enjoyable one year in JC1, knowing how worried I was when I stepped into PJC unsure of what the future held but you guys helped in that department so so so much.

This is to us.

'Cos you guys make me happy. Lol.

Shoot my mouth off

Hello! Gonna be bloggin' about random things today.

Didya know? I have another blog! Hahah I really don't know what's up with me getting another one when I don't even update this regurly, but I'll try my best!

It's my e-Spiritual Journal, I thought it'd be easier to have two separate ones instead of lumping them both together here. Just for me to share my walk with God. Comment there too if you pop by!

I realised, that I was writing more freely before I actually let people see this blog. Now, I don't really write as freely anymore 'cos I guess in my subconscious mind I know that people get to see what I'm writing and therefore am more careful. I dunno. Just something I realised.

And, I can't express how much I love Ribena! I think, that it's the greatest drink ever invented and it's just oh-so-convenient and I love the way it tastes when I drink it when I'm thirsty. I get absolutely refreshed!

That's all for now, folks.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Time = Money

Yes, it's true!

I mean, the money you spend is proportional to the time you save. In other words, the more money you spend, the more time you save! Heh.

When traveling from one place to another, taking the MRT is cheap, but takes a long time. Taking a taxi is real fast, but you spend way more.

If you want hair extentions, you need to pay more (a lot a lot more) for it. If you're going bald, you have to go to Beijing 101 and pay for it to grow back too. But, if you just let it grow, it takes very longgggg....

If a guy wants to propose to a girl, the bigger the diamond ring, the more the money spent, the faster she'll marry him. 'Nuff said.

Therefore, I conclude, time = money.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Just imagine this..

The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them and Jesus sat on them. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted.

"Hosanna to the Son of David!"

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"

"Hosanna in the highest!"

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?"

The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."

Matthew 21:6-11

Although I came across this verse many times, I read it again today and it took my breath away. Because I could imagine the glory, the triumph when Jesus entered Jerusalem. I could imagine if I were in the crowd, surely I would be ecstatic! Jesus needed no finery or trumpets or grand horses. He himself was enough, "gentle and riding on a donkey on a colt". He came in a way that was humble but yet the people shouted "Hosanna!" and blessed his name, welcoming the King of kings and Lord of lords, praising Him and exalting him.


'Hosanna' is a Hebrew expression meaning "Save!" which became an exclaimation of praise.

Ready.. and, ACTION

"All the world’s a stage and the people are merely actors."

Shakespeare couldn't have said it better.

Ever noticed? People just go through day by day acting in their own drama serial, but it's never them. Laugh in school, cry at home. Every day, it's just a cycle that they go through for the sake of it.

And then they ask what's the meaning of life. Ha, the irony of it.

I think, sometimes, that people just enjoy fake-ness and superficiality. The drama serial at the end of the day is just, fake tears, acting and lives that are not real. And keeps us entertained -- hooked, even. We enjoy acting with each other, involved in each other's plays and sometimes go a step further into feelings. Relationships are not based on the person; they are based on popularity, on what the person can offer, they are based on money.

Maybe the fake stuff is a cover up. That would explain plastic surgery, fight between beauty and slimming centres. It's a cover up for how bad you feel inside. If you look good on the outside, maybe, just maybe, you're the same on the inside. And maybe, just maybe, you're happier. You have self confidence, you have what it takes. People look up to you. That's how you measure happiness?

We've all learnt that that's not true.

People chase after their empty dreams, wanting to be Cinderella, the swan after being the ugly duckling, being the star they always wanted to be, but in the end, these dreams are just empty. Empty, empty, empty.

And love? What is love? I'm disgusted by the way love has evolved into lust. Talk about PDA. You see it blatantly on the MRT nowadays, it's not a taboo anymore. In fact, it's a trend. I wonder, how are parents supposed to explain or protect their children anymore.

Love is supposed to be sweeter than that.

A mother giving up her job to take care of her children. A father who puts his children's photographs on his desk in his office. An elderly couple still holding hands in the park. A husband who never forgets their wedding anniversary. That is love. Sure, it isn't exciting, but it lasts.

We always think about satisfying ourselves, then others. Because of what we want, we've lowered our standards. Way, way, way low. (Ever seen those low rise jeans?)

It's all an act. Why can't we keep it real?

I'm not emo, just a passing thought. :)

Uniquely Singapore

I love the Singapore life, I can't imagine to be anywhere else on this earth.

Where else can you get hawker centres where the uncles and aunties shout across the entire place just to order some coffee? (I don't really know what they shout though.) Although sometimes it's oily and sticky, but I just love the way people gather and just have a simple lunch over good Singaporean food, the sound of frying and clattering of plates. It's just all so homely.

I love it when I feel safe in the public buses at night, when I sleep in my room and I can hear the bus just quietly drive past, and knowing that everything is still consistent and I'm safe in my bed.

I don't show it, but I love to observe the people around me on the MRT. I've always had a fascination of thinking how their lives are from the things they carry, from the way they dress, from the way they talk on the phone, and guessing if they, like me, had a late night before when they try to catch forty winks on the train. The steady train's movement is just so calming, look out and sometimes I would be able to spot a nice view of a river, look at the people walking below, just let my thoughts wander.

I love being at Choa Chu Kang Interchange and Yew Tee MRT station because that's when I know I've reached home after a long day in school or after somewhere tiring. Seeing how the busdrivers talk to each other and people young and old gathering gives a sense of familiarity. And there will always be the makeshift ice cream stall who sell ice cream super cheap.

HDB flats was where I grew up in, from two-room, to five-room, to executive and I always love how I know that I'm where I'm supposed to be no matter where I am in Singapore; they give me a sense of security.

I like the feeling where I step out on a Sunday afternoon and there are people playing in the basketball court, turn to your left and you see a small girl roller blading under the void deck, and a few kids playing badminton. It gives me assurance to know that although the education system is tough, but it's not taking a toll on students here.

Festive occassions are the best -- Christmas lights in Orchard Road, the bright colours of lanterns and candles in the park, food and visiting during Chinese New Year, and so much so much more.

I feel sorry for the tourists who come to the Zoo (which exploit them of their money just 'cos they're angmo. Did you see how much one zoo ticket costs?!), the birdpark and underwater world, leaving Singapore sweating profusely (it's too hot, they say) and thinking that that's all to it. But there's so much more, things they don't see, things that only Singaporeans know and identify with.

I'm glad I'm not anywhere but here :)

Sunday, October 7, 2007


I love the feeling of my fingers being able to be free on the keyboard and just expressing my love to God on the keyboard. It just feels so free. I guess that's why they call it 'free worship', because you are not only not limited within a song but you also feel so free. Wow. Refreshing. And after I played, I prayed:

Lord, every song I lift to You;
Praises of You are like honey on my lips,
So sweet and yet so precious
That everytime, once I've tasted it, I long for more
I yearn to linger in Your presence.
For it is You that leads me by still waters
And lets me rest under Your wing.
Almighty God!
I declare Your name!
So that people may hear, and will know,
That You are my God who delivers,
Who has mercy.
Never failing and undying is Your love
That lasts for a thousand generations.
I fear You, Lord
But yet, I want to draw nearer to You.
God, You are my Lord
Creator of the Heavens and the Earth!
No one can comprehend Your worth.

Sure, although some lines are taken out of the bible and some taken out from songs, each line is what I really mean and put together, they make my own personal song to the Lord.

And who says you need a melody to have a song? I have one in my heart. ♫

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Don't Know What to Blog About

Title tells all.

Life after Promos have been rather, what's the word, productive-less. If there's ever such a word.

Actually, I have tons to blog about 'cos I've got tons of thoughts that I've had recently that I think people can identify with but, now, they're all gone. So that explains why I haven't been blogging even though Promos have been over since one week ago. For me, writing must be a on-the-spot thing after I've gathered my thoughts, if not, the feeling won't be there anymore. Talk about writer's block.

What my thoughts are right now:

  • I love God. I love spending time with Him.
  • One day, I wanna travel the world.
  • I need to know how to drive. (I can't stand being stranded and being so helpless anymore.)
  • I think that the division between neighbourhood and elite schools is quite crap.
  • Why people won't bother bending down for a 5-cent coin anymore?
  • I love watching TV but it kinda sucks the life out of me after that.
  • I kinda like studying now. Studying ≠ Mugging.
Haha. Shall do a proper post soon. Cheers to all.

Sorry I know it's kinda irritating to see a down-dated (opposite of up-dated) blog for one month now, but will try to update regularly from now on!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Between Tasks

In between tasks, I take time out to talk and listen to God:

Lord, so often I've wondered
If I've said the right thing
Or given the right advice
Or prayed enough
Or read Your word enough
Why am I always so uncertain?
"Child, nothing you could do
Would never be 'enough'.
Leave yourself alone
And delight in me."

I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God
-Isaiah 61:10

It's not all always about the highs, how much life is wonderful with God and all, but I do have my uncertain moments too. But that's what keeps it real, doesn't it? God doesn't want me to be perfect, He wants me to make mistakes, wants me to fall, He wants me to listen to Him and move on. That's what causes growth.

Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed by the pressures of life and time but listening to what God has to say and just knowing that He is there keeps me going.

God, You are my best inspiration.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Title-less Post

I'm so proud of myself 'cos now I'm blogging regularly. But this also means I come online regularly which is not good too. I'm gonna stop coming so regularly when Promos are dead near.

Which is actually, like, now, but anyhow, I'm here already so might as well blog.

So it's a title-less post 'cos I don't really have a title for this as I'm gonna blog just about happenings and thoughts going through my mind lately.

Firstly, prayer meeting today was so awesome, God's presence was just there in the room in the midst of 12 people and I can testify today that when "two or three come together in [God's] name, there [He is] with [us]". Matthew 18:20 And for those who were there today, never give up in finding that promised land with breakthrough alright! I just looooovvve it when all of God's people come together and worship Him wholeheartedly, God never fails to turn up. Awesome God! And to think that I was worried because the previous day I had no idea what to say, but God always turns up when I cry out to Him and voila! I had an awesome time in His presence.

Secondly, Mrs Beh (my literature teacher for Pride & Prejudice) said something today that got me thinking. Haha, it's actually not some deep philosophy or anything, but she was actually trying to illustrate how it would feel like for Darcy to propose to Elizabeth so she asked us to imagine Prince William/Harry/jksldjfskd (I can't remember which) came to Pioneer Junior College and come up to one of us saying that he saw our face on facebook and wants to marry now.

To be honest I actually imagined that happening to me, and I actually thought what I would do. You know, as you grow older, the idea of the future keeps coming, and marriage is definitely one of them (don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about).

I think most girls would definitely wanna marry a rich guy so we girls don't needa work for the rest of our lives and play mahjong with ten gold rings on our ten fingers, watied on hand and foot. Discover the taitai in you!

But when I put myself in that situation when Prince jksldjfskd wants to propose to me (LOL I can't believe I actually imagined the whole thing out), I would say a straight 'NO'. Because the first thing that would come into my mind would be 'I can't go to church anymore', and then 'What about my family?' and "I won't be able to stay with my parents anymore" and "I won't ever learn how to drive 'cos I will have a chauffeur" and "I won't be able to praise God freely at home any longer" and "I won't be able to see my brothers and sisters in Christ as frequent any more".

So who cares about Prince jksldjfskd? I wanna live my life the way God planned it out to be. :D

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday Blues

Which of you got fooled by my really (x100) post huh? Own up own up!

I admit I'm not a faitful a blogger as some are, but at least I try. Aren't I blogging right now? And it's not even a month yet!

Well I'm here to say my thoughts about Monday Blues, what most of us have when Monday comes.

Actually if you come to think of it, Sunday has a different feel to it too. Maybe it's only at my house but come Sunday, everything just feels so Sunday-ish. If you get what I mean please comment. But you just know that it's a Sunday, and the next day will be a Monday. Maybe it's 'cos of the Sunday Night Movie on Channel 5 that contributes, or maybe even the fact where everything just feels so Sunday.

So, the next day is Monday.

And everybody, on the train to work and to school, is quiet.

Sometimes, if you notice, you see their downturned mouths, their furrowed brows while they try to take forty winks while the train moves steadily down the track. (And if look even more carefully, you can see the oily scalp prints against the clear window thingys at the side. EWWWW)

Monday Blues strike again. Everybody's wanting to be anywhere but here.

The train stops at Yew Tee MRT station, the woman's warm voice, which contrasts so much with the mood at that time, announces the arrival and Miss Kon steps in light-footed, light-hearted and humming a praise song tune she sung last Saturday in youth group at church (Song: Only One for Me). Her face is different from the rest, not frowning, not complianing, but actually looking forward to go to school. She'd just heard from God the previous night and now, refreshed by His word, was all set for that week's challanges. Monday Blues, Yellows, Reds, Whites or Blacks don't bother her at all.

Her focus is on God.

I always tell myself I have the joy of the Lord, and He provides according to His glorious riches, and strength is definitely one of His provisions. So, you know, when Monday comes, it's hard being joyful when the mood is somber and everybody's not smiling. But when the focus is on God, it takes my vision off my surroundings and onto Him. It's so much easier, I feel so much stronger and revived to start this week together with Him.

Gosh, I'm so glad I have God.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Finally... a new post!

Hahaha I'm so so sorry everyone. I know how it feels like to go somebody's blog and see the same:

really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really

everytime you come and get sick and tired of it alreally - i mean already.

So. Nothing much to say, this post just to tell you guys that I've been really really really really (haha) busy this few weeks with tests and all. So took some time out to actually blog today.

P.S. Just wanna thank all YOU GUYS for tagging/commenting/whatever else 'cos you guys really do make my day! Haha thank God for you guys!

Stand Tall and Stand Proud!

Just half a year into blogging and I've realised how difficult it is to maintain a blog and understand why people just stop blogging. It's not that it's a burden or extra to do, it's just difficult to maintain. I wonder if I'll ever stop blogging one day. Hmm.

Well, I'm off topic again.

People make good-natured fun of each other when we don't meet up to 'ideal standards' and therefore, many times, my height gets poked fun at. Yea for your information I'm 155cm ever since ever. But in actual fact, I don't really mind 'cos I think the worse off people are those who are tall.

I've come across some really tall people in my life and if you do notice carefully, these tall people always have a tendency to hunch or slouch. I don't know for sure but it seems to me that tall people just don't like all the attention that they're getting.

But then again, there are tall people who are really confident of themselves; they are able to stand tall and accept the fact that they are tall. Have you ever seen Yao Ming slouching?

My point is, that no matter what you have, be content with it. The grass is always greener on the other side, for the whole of your life. Quote Pastor Daniel: Girls with naturally straight hair wants to perm their hair, girls with naturally curly hair want to rebond their hair. And from my point of view, people who are short forever want to become tall and people who are tall hate the uneccessary attention that comes with it. People in this school forever wanna be in another school, people with sisters always want brothers and people with younger brothers always want an older brother. People who are single wanna get married and people who are married wanna become single again.

People who are not happy with their faces wanna go for plastic surgery and people who are not happy with their skin color, bleach it. In the end, they end up like Micheal Jackson, his body is falling apart. (Nobody talks about him now, you've realised. The last time I heard his name was at the canteen's drink stall where they sell chin chow mixed with soya bean and named it after him. Go figure.)

Yea, you get the picture.

I was once like that before, I always told everybody that my ideal height would be 165cm, but I'm past that stage now. Being 155cm is part of my identity, it's what makes me, me. Can you imagine Miss Kon being 165cm? It just won't be the same.

So, be happy with what you have, God made you in His own image and if you change any of that, you're telling Him that His standards are not good enough.

So take it from Yao Ming, accept who you are and make the best out of it. It's called self-esteem.

Lengthiest post in the longest time, sorry if it's a bit boring but yea, that's what's on my mind recently. -Gasp- I've just realised that it's been almost a month since I've posted. Real sorry! And, also, am wondering is my blog too boring with all words and no pictures (except of the spastic one of me on the top right corner, haha). Shall do a picture post soon!

Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm Gonna Dedicate A Whole Post to This

I don't usually post about un-important stuff ,as you know, time is of the essence. So this is rather important.

People, COMMENT! That's what the comment button is for.

I would really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna hear your views on any issue 'cos what I post is what I really am thinking about. (Yeah, I copy-pasted that.)

So even if you're just passing by, comment!

If you're here everyday, comment!

If you're an old friend I haven't talked to for ages, comment!

If you don't know me well, comment!

If you're a random person/my teacher/someone I saw today at Lot One/the person selling tissue, comment!

If you love me, comment!

If you hate me (I doubt anyone does), comment!

Especially if you share the same sentiments as me, please do comment!

To sum it up/In conclusion/In a nutshell (consequence of doing too many GP essays), COMMENT!

LOL. Thanks. Sorry, random mood today.

You don't know how much I appreciate comments and tags! hahaha I think it's a post-blog syndrome.

Nissi Salt-ers Listen Up!

Yeah, I know what you must be thinking.

"Every time she wait so long to post then so long never update, once she post then post so much."

But I can't help it, yeah? I like being on blog-binges. (Miss Kon coined that word, thank you very much.)

Anyway, that's beside the point. As usual.

My point today is FOR ALL YOU NISSI SALT-ERS OUT THERE! This is my prayer for you, as I was doing my quiet time, I prayed this prayer for me and every single one of you. So read up good. :D

My prayer to God today was to have:
Not superficiality, but sincerity & honesty
Not fear of the unknown, but fear that You would leave me
Not love of the world, but faithful love for You
Not remembering my debtors, but remembering that You died
Not just merely saying, but living & doing as much as I'm alive and kicking
Not influenced by what other people think or say of me, but live to make You proud
Not just filling my stomach with food, but reviving my spirit with the Word of God
Not giving up on Your people, and neither would I give up on You.

And I prayed that would be the same to every one of my beloved nissi salt-ers out there.

That's God's people. They do so much more than what is expected of them.

Ain't that right, God's people?

Let's hear a shout-out for GOD!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Little Things Show a Whole Lot

I really meant to blog.

I really did.

Just that my good old pal, time, didn't allow me to.


(And yeah, didn't have anything much to blog about. You wanna hear about my life meh.)

Anyway, passing thought today that you might wanna chew on -- small things show a whole lot about a person's life.

Let's take for example: rough paper. I always use rough paper for Maths 'cos I'm really a perfectionist at heart and I don't wanna scribble my workings all over my foolscap and hand it up so I do the whole exercise on rough paper then transfer it over. Okay, that's not the point. But the kind of rough paper a person uses really tells a great deal about a person.

Currently, my rough paper is:

  • Chord Sheets (Solution)

  • Phonics related stuffs

  • Nissi Two worskshop misprinted pages

  • Project Work GPP template

Okay, now you know I print chords out to play on my guitar/keyboard, my parents run a business that involve teaching little kids how to read (you don't know the din they make on Saturday mornings), that I really enjoy creating and printing out stuff for church or anything for that matter, and I have too much project work stuff that I used it to scribble on a geography mindmap about deep weathering, karst landscapes and granite landforms (Geog Can Kill).

My Chinese teacher's rough paper is about property and stuff 'cos her husband is a real estate agent.

I went to study with Tiffany today and her rough paper is lots and lots of bible study materials, which show what her parents do.

Sometimes, my friends' rough paper is their parents accounting sheet stuffs.

So, you know, you can really tell a person's background by looking at their rough paper. It's all a matter of observation, really. Just like the classic example -- if Bill Gates uses dollar notes as his toilet paper, it shows he's filthy rich (pun intended).

So, little things show a whole lot.

What's the rage about Harry Potter? I just don't get it.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Public Transport Bloopers

I take public transport almost every other day. Most of the time, traveling time is used to think, to just let your thoughts wander, subconsciously or consciously, or just leave your mind blank and look out the window. But there are a few mistakes I would never wanna make taking public transport.

The Classic
Carrying NTUC plastic bags full of groceries and stepping out of a freezingly cold air-conditioned bus with my specs on and later finding them going all misty and also finding myself frustrated 'cos I can't take my specs off to wipe them with my hands full. Go around looking like a dork.
(Point of information: Yes, I wear contact lens so this doesn't really happen to me but it did once!)

The Clueless
When the taxi driver uncle ask me which route I wanna take by CTE, PIE, KJE or SLE and whether wanna pass the place with ERP and he rambles on about the rising GST and complain about the PAP. Number one, I don't know the roads well if not I'll jolly well be the one driving (you don't know how much I wanna drive!) and number two, sometimes taxi drivers keep on going without ever ending.

The Plain Stupid
Holding my handphone and smsing or reading a book or my notes (how diligent I am! my classmates call me Mugger Michelle), not noticing what is in front of me and taking a big step into where everybody is heading downwards and expect the escalator to move, only to realise it's the staircase.
(Point of information: It did happen before, the waiting for it to move part.)

Don't laugh at me okay. I'm sure you had your share of public transport bloopers too.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Studies, to others, might be about acheiving.
But to me it's about perservering.

Running, to sportsmen, may be about building up or training to be the best athlete around.
But to me it's about determination, pushing myself to my limit.

Failure, to other people, may be not measuring up to the other's standards.
But to me, to fail is to not put in my best and do it with my greatest ability, no matter I score below 50 or get bronze for NAPFA.
Cos that's how people define 'pass' or 'good'.

People work hard to get the pat on the back or material rewards but I chiong my guts out to see that smile on God's face. :) I'm so glad God put me in this school where I can really concentrate on my studies & attempt at giving my best back to God.

You may call me a God-Freak, but lemme tell you something else:
That's exactly what I am.

New Post In Two Months

I'm so glad that you (yes, you) do visit! I was so afraid that this blog was gonna be a flop because it isn't really about my daily life and stuff so I think people won't bother to read. But all you guys who tagged proved otherwise so thanks so much! :D

(Don't think I don't know you skipped the whole chunk of lengthy posts because you're lazy to read though.)

Anyways, please do leave comments after posts (although I know how lazy you are to click that button and another window pops up) if you feel that you so strongly agree with me or otherwise. Cos I would really like to hear from you too! But if you're really that lazy then nevermind lor.

So now you know I have a blog, I won't hide anymore how difficult it was setting it up because I didn't want anyone to know (yet), so I spent like one hour figuring out how to insert the tagboard into the sidebar and everything and the layout was all over the place so I went to blogger help and learn how to justify and html and everything else you can think of. I couldn't ask anybody too! So this explains why the layout is nothing much. Yeah so now you know. Miss Kon hides very well. Half a year leh! Not bad eh.

At least now I understand why people keep bugging me for tags, because I'm doing it to people now too.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Two Things I Really Wanna Do Currently

With EVERYTHING that has been going on in my life, I've come to realise that no matter how insignificant we may seem, there's still life's pleasures to be found in the midst of all the busy-ness, troubles and worries.

Okay, I'm just trying to sound intelligent.

But you gotta admit, if you read that carefully, you just might find some truth in it.

Alright, on to my main point. Two things I really feel like doing:

1. To be able to lie on a patch of green grass (a large patch of green grass) facing the sky and spotting shapes of the clouds. I can just imagine doing that now. How relaxing.

2. To be able to go around Singapore and taste all the good food, no matter where. Be it stalls by the roadside, you know those which have makeshift tables at the side, or shophouses which sell great pastries and desserts. And consequently, I really hope to have a good vaccation with good food and great places to go!

All these I wanna do, of course, with someone I'm really close to. Can be family, friends, anyone. I'm a firm believer of good food with good company makes a great combination and an unforgttable time.

Cheers to those unforgettable times to come.

I'm not overwhelmed with the workload that I want a break. I just feel that I really wanna enjoy life the way God gave it to me. And most people think enjoy life = at home eat sleep play computer slack. I'm taking 'enjoying life' to a whole new level.

I'm sorry I'm kinda rambling but thoughts just come as I write/type. I guess that's the main cause to why people ramble.

There I go again.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Speaks to Me

These lyrics are so real, and speak so much to me, what I really wanna tell God:

I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is, it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your Majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your Holiness

Word of God speak

I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice

You know that kinda feeling where you can be surrounded by crowds of people and yet still feel empty and lonely inside? God is the answer. Among the storm, where your surroundings seem to just be so hectic and messy and sucks all the life out of you, you still can have joy and feel positive about everything else. That's when you know God's carrying you on His shoulders. That's when you know that God is the one sustaining you, supporting you. That's when you can be still, and know He is God.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just a little something for You

Sing a sweet song unto the Lord, because He hears
Lift your hands high unto the Lord, because He sees
Bow your heads in reverence & in prayer to God, because He hears, He listens
Give your offering of words, praise & honour unto the Lord, because He deserves
Take off your masks before Him, come to Him as your are, because He looks within
Cast all your cares & burdens before Him, because He sustains
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind & strength, because He first loved us.

My soul finds rest in God alone;
My salvation comes from Him
He alone is my rock and my salvation
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken
-Psalms 62:1-2

Even as I start on the topic of literature and also marvel at the wonders of it, how can I forget the Creator of it? Literature is so beautiful, and what else can I use it for except to give praise to the Almighty God? Who put everything in place? Who set the stars where they are for us to admire? Even as I study, I don't wanna waste it. But I wanna give it as offering unto the Lord.

You are God in heaven
And here I am on Earth
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus I am so in love with You

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Welcome to JC Life

OG, MEL, lectures, tutorials, GP, PW, H1 & H2, EoM, I&R, long queues at CCK interchange, bus 190, short skirts and big shirts, CTs, STs & LTs, long breaks, 07A06, Good News Cafe, GO, concourse, canteen, econs has direct relationship with catch no ball, notes, notes & more notes, CCAs, rush, rush, rush.

That, basically, is the summary of my life in PJC. Suprisingly, I'm adapting.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Looking Forward

At every point of time in your life, you are surely looking forward to something.

An old grandma living in the old folks’ home. She is looking forward to Sunday where her grandson comes to visit her, to hold her hand. That touch that gives the reassurance that she can count on him whenever she needs him. She looks forward to the kiss he plants on her forehead towards the end of his visit, telling her that he will be back next Sunday. She spends the whole week looking forward to the next Sunday that he will come again.

A student in the classroom. He is staring at the clock mounted against the cold, hard concrete wall of the classroom, looking at the seconds tick by and wondered why does 60 seconds take so long to pass. His thoughts drown out the teacher’s droning and his mind is on all the things that he is going to do after school.

A girl after her first date. She is watching TV on the couch with her handphone beside her but not really paying attention to the programme at all. Talk about xin bu zai yan. The movie is the weekly late-night horror movie, but she is smiling to herself and looking forward to the time where her boyfriend would call her. She takes a glance at her handphone every few seconds, but not trying to be too obvious. The boyfriend calls and they chat for 2 and a half hours, she puts down the phone with a mega-watt grin she couldn’t hide even if she tried, looking forward to her next date.

An accountant working for the bank. Work starts to pile higher and higher, he’s up to his neck in all the accounts that needs to be worked out. Why, he sleeps with numbers dancing in his head and don’t ask him to count sheep because that’s the last thing he would do. For this fella, he’s looking forward to that vacation in the Bahamas together with his wife; he can almost feel the sand in between his toes right now, the feel of the cool, blue sea against his skin and the breeze playing with his hair. The diving suit has his name written all over it. He can almost hear all these lifeless things beckoning to him. Just you wait and see, he was going to indulge himself.

Maybe you are one of them, maybe you are not. But all of us look forward to something at any point of time in life. Maybe you might be looking forward to the next episode of Prison Break (will they ever get out?). Maybe you are looking forward to the posting of your new school. Maybe you’re looking forward to what the future may bring, what God has in store. Maybe you are looking forward to 10 years later, what would you become? Who would you be with? Most importantly, did you get your driver’s license after your first try to prove all those stinkin’ guys WRONG? Well, that’s all I am looking forward to.

But I know that I have a big God who won’t disappoint me maybe like how that grandson would disappoint his grandma after starting a family, neglecting her, and even found her a nuisance. Or that student who played too much until he failed all his tests. Or that girl, the boyfriend found her too clingy and broke up with her, leaving her heart-broken. Or the accountant at the bank, after his holiday he came back with even more and more work that sleeping 4 hours a day is too much!

Man will disappoint but God never fails, I’m glad I have someOne that I can lean fully on so that I will not worry even if my whole world comes crashing down.

God, I’m glad I have You.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thought of the Day

Was just reading through my friendster bulletins and I realised I've got so much crap of those chain letters where "if you don't repost/forward this in 200 secs YOUR BROTHER* WILL DIE".

I can just imagine it now. Me standing beside my brother's* coffin, sobbing my eyes out and people around me patting my shoulders, offering their condolences. So many thoughts would be going through my head and then I would finally wail, "I SHOULD HAVE REPOSTED THAT DUMB BULLETIN! NOW HE'S GONE!"

Goodness gracious, what has this world come to.

*I was using 'brother' as an example because I don't have one and no matter how un-superstitious I am, I don't wanna curse my family members.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Hello all. There is an unwritten rule that girls should not be discussing about this topic because they know nuts about it. Make a guess.

That's right. SOCCER.

In normal circumstances, I wouldn't have stayed on the channel showing a soccer match for more than 10 seconds. But this time round (blame the patriotic blood in me), Singapore is competing against Thailand for the ASEAN championship, so how could I not watch it, being the loyal Singaporean I am? Okay, ignore the times I merely mouthed the national anthem. There are worse people around me! AND I did sing it out of willingness in my last few months in school, serious.

So yeah. Back to the point. Watching soccer is... interesting. Though I may not know all the technical terms and all, but at least I know who is in posession and know when to shout "REFEREE KAYU!!" Okay, so I shouted that just for fun.

And sometimes, I don't know if I'm watching soccer or...

  • Bowling

The first leg I watched, the Thais went down like bowling pins one by one. So many people fell over. And over. And over and over.

  • Badminton

The ball just went to and fro and to and fro.

  • Ballet

Did you see how high their legs went (and not to mention how pointed their feet were) when they kicked the ball high in the air?! My goodness. And the splits they can do. Scary. I can almost picture them against some railing in a room full of mirrors.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against soccer. I understand the adrenaline rush when they step on the field, the determination to fight and conquer and bring back the trophy, the ecstatic feeling when a goal is scored, the togetherness and fighting spirit. I know that any sport is much more than it seems. But it's just that as an onlooker, it's so much more funnier.

Laugh out loud.

It's Ironic

There are so many ironies of life. Here's one of them:

Isn't it ironic that the most useful things we learn or skills we acquire that we can apply in our life are learnt in primary school? And that as we get promoted to secondary school, the things we learn get more and more useless? At least, more useless than what we learn in primary school.

In Primary School...

#1 We learn how to read the time
How useful is that? How useless would you be if you don't know how to read the time? Very useless. You would be either running late or early all the time. How useless would you be if you don't know how the exponential graph looks like? Not very useless. No loss at all, I would say.

#2 We learn how to count
If your name were Adam, how else would you know the Benny cheated you of 4 apples that you got from Charlie instead? You won't be charged more by the uncle selling chicken rice, too. That's a plus.

#3 We learn profit, gain and percentage
How useful! In primary school we can buy 10 packets of the 10cent/packet seaweed and sell it to that kid who never steps out of class at a profit of 5cents and then proceed to the bookshop to buy a new colour of shaker mechanical pencil when we've earned enough. Then in secondary school, it's an advantage to calculate how much marks we can afford to lose if we just want to pass, and how much is 75% so we can barely get that A1.

See my point now? Okay, maybe I'm manupilating everything so I can prove my point, but seriously, don't you feel that the higher you go in education, the less practical it gets?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder

Click here to see why our idea of beauty is so distorted.

Dove is stepping out to promote real beauty, so am I.

Don't you feel tired all the time trying to suit your body according to what the world thinks is 'beautiful'? How many of us here are truly, honestly and sincerely satisfied with the way we look?

The latest nip/tuck commercial:
Does having a ugly face make you hideous
Does having a fat body make you monsterous
Sometimes the real monsters are the ones behind a beautiful exterior

Someone on national television claimed that she "didn't believe in natural beauty". So is that how its like now these days, no such thing as natural beauty?

How many times in school people get made fun of because of the way they look? Stick and stones may break my bones, but words hurt even more than stones.

Too tall, too short, too thin, too fat, no double eyelids! Too fair, too dark.

Work out, work out, work out. Exercise to get that great body! Use the sharp end of a comb to draw out double eyelids and you'll get them in a month. Slather tanning lotion all over your body. Slimming centres, weight management, struggling to keep up with what the rest expects of you.

Anoreixa, bullemia, depression. Slit writs, legs. Feel like nobody cares.

I wonder why people get stressed with the amount of work and all, but nobody gets stressed with the ever-increasing standards the world has set for beauty.

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Let's get this ball rolling.

Hi there!

I'd never think that there would be this one day where I would get a blog. I practically vowed (ok, technically I can't) never to give in to this blog revolution, but whaddya know? Things happen.

So, yeah. This just to set the record straight. This blog is for anything under the sun. And this is for thoughts, controversies, feelings, things I feel that are worth mentioning, and just plain, ol' ramblings.

So there you have it.