Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Two Things I Really Wanna Do Currently

With EVERYTHING that has been going on in my life, I've come to realise that no matter how insignificant we may seem, there's still life's pleasures to be found in the midst of all the busy-ness, troubles and worries.

Okay, I'm just trying to sound intelligent.

But you gotta admit, if you read that carefully, you just might find some truth in it.

Alright, on to my main point. Two things I really feel like doing:

1. To be able to lie on a patch of green grass (a large patch of green grass) facing the sky and spotting shapes of the clouds. I can just imagine doing that now. How relaxing.

2. To be able to go around Singapore and taste all the good food, no matter where. Be it stalls by the roadside, you know those which have makeshift tables at the side, or shophouses which sell great pastries and desserts. And consequently, I really hope to have a good vaccation with good food and great places to go!

All these I wanna do, of course, with someone I'm really close to. Can be family, friends, anyone. I'm a firm believer of good food with good company makes a great combination and an unforgttable time.

Cheers to those unforgettable times to come.

I'm not overwhelmed with the workload that I want a break. I just feel that I really wanna enjoy life the way God gave it to me. And most people think enjoy life = at home eat sleep play computer slack. I'm taking 'enjoying life' to a whole new level.

I'm sorry I'm kinda rambling but thoughts just come as I write/type. I guess that's the main cause to why people ramble.

There I go again.