Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Just imagine this..

The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them and Jesus sat on them. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted.

"Hosanna to the Son of David!"

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"

"Hosanna in the highest!"

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?"

The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."

Matthew 21:6-11

Although I came across this verse many times, I read it again today and it took my breath away. Because I could imagine the glory, the triumph when Jesus entered Jerusalem. I could imagine if I were in the crowd, surely I would be ecstatic! Jesus needed no finery or trumpets or grand horses. He himself was enough, "gentle and riding on a donkey on a colt". He came in a way that was humble but yet the people shouted "Hosanna!" and blessed his name, welcoming the King of kings and Lord of lords, praising Him and exalting him.


'Hosanna' is a Hebrew expression meaning "Save!" which became an exclaimation of praise.

Ready.. and, ACTION

"All the world’s a stage and the people are merely actors."

Shakespeare couldn't have said it better.

Ever noticed? People just go through day by day acting in their own drama serial, but it's never them. Laugh in school, cry at home. Every day, it's just a cycle that they go through for the sake of it.

And then they ask what's the meaning of life. Ha, the irony of it.

I think, sometimes, that people just enjoy fake-ness and superficiality. The drama serial at the end of the day is just, fake tears, acting and lives that are not real. And keeps us entertained -- hooked, even. We enjoy acting with each other, involved in each other's plays and sometimes go a step further into feelings. Relationships are not based on the person; they are based on popularity, on what the person can offer, they are based on money.

Maybe the fake stuff is a cover up. That would explain plastic surgery, fight between beauty and slimming centres. It's a cover up for how bad you feel inside. If you look good on the outside, maybe, just maybe, you're the same on the inside. And maybe, just maybe, you're happier. You have self confidence, you have what it takes. People look up to you. That's how you measure happiness?

We've all learnt that that's not true.

People chase after their empty dreams, wanting to be Cinderella, the swan after being the ugly duckling, being the star they always wanted to be, but in the end, these dreams are just empty. Empty, empty, empty.

And love? What is love? I'm disgusted by the way love has evolved into lust. Talk about PDA. You see it blatantly on the MRT nowadays, it's not a taboo anymore. In fact, it's a trend. I wonder, how are parents supposed to explain or protect their children anymore.

Love is supposed to be sweeter than that.

A mother giving up her job to take care of her children. A father who puts his children's photographs on his desk in his office. An elderly couple still holding hands in the park. A husband who never forgets their wedding anniversary. That is love. Sure, it isn't exciting, but it lasts.

We always think about satisfying ourselves, then others. Because of what we want, we've lowered our standards. Way, way, way low. (Ever seen those low rise jeans?)

It's all an act. Why can't we keep it real?

I'm not emo, just a passing thought. :)

Uniquely Singapore

I love the Singapore life, I can't imagine to be anywhere else on this earth.

Where else can you get hawker centres where the uncles and aunties shout across the entire place just to order some coffee? (I don't really know what they shout though.) Although sometimes it's oily and sticky, but I just love the way people gather and just have a simple lunch over good Singaporean food, the sound of frying and clattering of plates. It's just all so homely.

I love it when I feel safe in the public buses at night, when I sleep in my room and I can hear the bus just quietly drive past, and knowing that everything is still consistent and I'm safe in my bed.

I don't show it, but I love to observe the people around me on the MRT. I've always had a fascination of thinking how their lives are from the things they carry, from the way they dress, from the way they talk on the phone, and guessing if they, like me, had a late night before when they try to catch forty winks on the train. The steady train's movement is just so calming, look out and sometimes I would be able to spot a nice view of a river, look at the people walking below, just let my thoughts wander.

I love being at Choa Chu Kang Interchange and Yew Tee MRT station because that's when I know I've reached home after a long day in school or after somewhere tiring. Seeing how the busdrivers talk to each other and people young and old gathering gives a sense of familiarity. And there will always be the makeshift ice cream stall who sell ice cream super cheap.

HDB flats was where I grew up in, from two-room, to five-room, to executive and I always love how I know that I'm where I'm supposed to be no matter where I am in Singapore; they give me a sense of security.

I like the feeling where I step out on a Sunday afternoon and there are people playing in the basketball court, turn to your left and you see a small girl roller blading under the void deck, and a few kids playing badminton. It gives me assurance to know that although the education system is tough, but it's not taking a toll on students here.

Festive occassions are the best -- Christmas lights in Orchard Road, the bright colours of lanterns and candles in the park, food and visiting during Chinese New Year, and so much so much more.

I feel sorry for the tourists who come to the Zoo (which exploit them of their money just 'cos they're angmo. Did you see how much one zoo ticket costs?!), the birdpark and underwater world, leaving Singapore sweating profusely (it's too hot, they say) and thinking that that's all to it. But there's so much more, things they don't see, things that only Singaporeans know and identify with.

I'm glad I'm not anywhere but here :)

Sunday, October 7, 2007


I love the feeling of my fingers being able to be free on the keyboard and just expressing my love to God on the keyboard. It just feels so free. I guess that's why they call it 'free worship', because you are not only not limited within a song but you also feel so free. Wow. Refreshing. And after I played, I prayed:

Lord, every song I lift to You;
Praises of You are like honey on my lips,
So sweet and yet so precious
That everytime, once I've tasted it, I long for more
I yearn to linger in Your presence.
For it is You that leads me by still waters
And lets me rest under Your wing.
Almighty God!
I declare Your name!
So that people may hear, and will know,
That You are my God who delivers,
Who has mercy.
Never failing and undying is Your love
That lasts for a thousand generations.
I fear You, Lord
But yet, I want to draw nearer to You.
God, You are my Lord
Creator of the Heavens and the Earth!
No one can comprehend Your worth.

Sure, although some lines are taken out of the bible and some taken out from songs, each line is what I really mean and put together, they make my own personal song to the Lord.

And who says you need a melody to have a song? I have one in my heart. ♫

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Don't Know What to Blog About

Title tells all.

Life after Promos have been rather, what's the word, productive-less. If there's ever such a word.

Actually, I have tons to blog about 'cos I've got tons of thoughts that I've had recently that I think people can identify with but, now, they're all gone. So that explains why I haven't been blogging even though Promos have been over since one week ago. For me, writing must be a on-the-spot thing after I've gathered my thoughts, if not, the feeling won't be there anymore. Talk about writer's block.

What my thoughts are right now:

  • I love God. I love spending time with Him.
  • One day, I wanna travel the world.
  • I need to know how to drive. (I can't stand being stranded and being so helpless anymore.)
  • I think that the division between neighbourhood and elite schools is quite crap.
  • Why people won't bother bending down for a 5-cent coin anymore?
  • I love watching TV but it kinda sucks the life out of me after that.
  • I kinda like studying now. Studying ≠ Mugging.
Haha. Shall do a proper post soon. Cheers to all.

Sorry I know it's kinda irritating to see a down-dated (opposite of up-dated) blog for one month now, but will try to update regularly from now on!