Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm Gonna Dedicate A Whole Post to This

I don't usually post about un-important stuff ,as you know, time is of the essence. So this is rather important.

People, COMMENT! That's what the comment button is for.

I would really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna hear your views on any issue 'cos what I post is what I really am thinking about. (Yeah, I copy-pasted that.)

So even if you're just passing by, comment!

If you're here everyday, comment!

If you're an old friend I haven't talked to for ages, comment!

If you don't know me well, comment!

If you're a random person/my teacher/someone I saw today at Lot One/the person selling tissue, comment!

If you love me, comment!

If you hate me (I doubt anyone does), comment!

Especially if you share the same sentiments as me, please do comment!

To sum it up/In conclusion/In a nutshell (consequence of doing too many GP essays), COMMENT!

LOL. Thanks. Sorry, random mood today.

You don't know how much I appreciate comments and tags! hahaha I think it's a post-blog syndrome.

Nissi Salt-ers Listen Up!

Yeah, I know what you must be thinking.

"Every time she wait so long to post then so long never update, once she post then post so much."

But I can't help it, yeah? I like being on blog-binges. (Miss Kon coined that word, thank you very much.)

Anyway, that's beside the point. As usual.

My point today is FOR ALL YOU NISSI SALT-ERS OUT THERE! This is my prayer for you, as I was doing my quiet time, I prayed this prayer for me and every single one of you. So read up good. :D

My prayer to God today was to have:
Not superficiality, but sincerity & honesty
Not fear of the unknown, but fear that You would leave me
Not love of the world, but faithful love for You
Not remembering my debtors, but remembering that You died
Not just merely saying, but living & doing as much as I'm alive and kicking
Not influenced by what other people think or say of me, but live to make You proud
Not just filling my stomach with food, but reviving my spirit with the Word of God
Not giving up on Your people, and neither would I give up on You.

And I prayed that would be the same to every one of my beloved nissi salt-ers out there.

That's God's people. They do so much more than what is expected of them.

Ain't that right, God's people?

Let's hear a shout-out for GOD!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Little Things Show a Whole Lot

I really meant to blog.

I really did.

Just that my good old pal, time, didn't allow me to.


(And yeah, didn't have anything much to blog about. You wanna hear about my life meh.)

Anyway, passing thought today that you might wanna chew on -- small things show a whole lot about a person's life.

Let's take for example: rough paper. I always use rough paper for Maths 'cos I'm really a perfectionist at heart and I don't wanna scribble my workings all over my foolscap and hand it up so I do the whole exercise on rough paper then transfer it over. Okay, that's not the point. But the kind of rough paper a person uses really tells a great deal about a person.

Currently, my rough paper is:

  • Chord Sheets (Solution)

  • Phonics related stuffs

  • Nissi Two worskshop misprinted pages

  • Project Work GPP template

Okay, now you know I print chords out to play on my guitar/keyboard, my parents run a business that involve teaching little kids how to read (you don't know the din they make on Saturday mornings), that I really enjoy creating and printing out stuff for church or anything for that matter, and I have too much project work stuff that I used it to scribble on a geography mindmap about deep weathering, karst landscapes and granite landforms (Geog Can Kill).

My Chinese teacher's rough paper is about property and stuff 'cos her husband is a real estate agent.

I went to study with Tiffany today and her rough paper is lots and lots of bible study materials, which show what her parents do.

Sometimes, my friends' rough paper is their parents accounting sheet stuffs.

So, you know, you can really tell a person's background by looking at their rough paper. It's all a matter of observation, really. Just like the classic example -- if Bill Gates uses dollar notes as his toilet paper, it shows he's filthy rich (pun intended).

So, little things show a whole lot.

What's the rage about Harry Potter? I just don't get it.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Public Transport Bloopers

I take public transport almost every other day. Most of the time, traveling time is used to think, to just let your thoughts wander, subconsciously or consciously, or just leave your mind blank and look out the window. But there are a few mistakes I would never wanna make taking public transport.

The Classic
Carrying NTUC plastic bags full of groceries and stepping out of a freezingly cold air-conditioned bus with my specs on and later finding them going all misty and also finding myself frustrated 'cos I can't take my specs off to wipe them with my hands full. Go around looking like a dork.
(Point of information: Yes, I wear contact lens so this doesn't really happen to me but it did once!)

The Clueless
When the taxi driver uncle ask me which route I wanna take by CTE, PIE, KJE or SLE and whether wanna pass the place with ERP and he rambles on about the rising GST and complain about the PAP. Number one, I don't know the roads well if not I'll jolly well be the one driving (you don't know how much I wanna drive!) and number two, sometimes taxi drivers keep on going without ever ending.

The Plain Stupid
Holding my handphone and smsing or reading a book or my notes (how diligent I am! my classmates call me Mugger Michelle), not noticing what is in front of me and taking a big step into where everybody is heading downwards and expect the escalator to move, only to realise it's the staircase.
(Point of information: It did happen before, the waiting for it to move part.)

Don't laugh at me okay. I'm sure you had your share of public transport bloopers too.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Studies, to others, might be about acheiving.
But to me it's about perservering.

Running, to sportsmen, may be about building up or training to be the best athlete around.
But to me it's about determination, pushing myself to my limit.

Failure, to other people, may be not measuring up to the other's standards.
But to me, to fail is to not put in my best and do it with my greatest ability, no matter I score below 50 or get bronze for NAPFA.
Cos that's how people define 'pass' or 'good'.

People work hard to get the pat on the back or material rewards but I chiong my guts out to see that smile on God's face. :) I'm so glad God put me in this school where I can really concentrate on my studies & attempt at giving my best back to God.

You may call me a God-Freak, but lemme tell you something else:
That's exactly what I am.

New Post In Two Months

I'm so glad that you (yes, you) do visit! I was so afraid that this blog was gonna be a flop because it isn't really about my daily life and stuff so I think people won't bother to read. But all you guys who tagged proved otherwise so thanks so much! :D

(Don't think I don't know you skipped the whole chunk of lengthy posts because you're lazy to read though.)

Anyways, please do leave comments after posts (although I know how lazy you are to click that button and another window pops up) if you feel that you so strongly agree with me or otherwise. Cos I would really like to hear from you too! But if you're really that lazy then nevermind lor.

So now you know I have a blog, I won't hide anymore how difficult it was setting it up because I didn't want anyone to know (yet), so I spent like one hour figuring out how to insert the tagboard into the sidebar and everything and the layout was all over the place so I went to blogger help and learn how to justify and html and everything else you can think of. I couldn't ask anybody too! So this explains why the layout is nothing much. Yeah so now you know. Miss Kon hides very well. Half a year leh! Not bad eh.

At least now I understand why people keep bugging me for tags, because I'm doing it to people now too.