Saturday, April 14, 2007

Speaks to Me

These lyrics are so real, and speak so much to me, what I really wanna tell God:

I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is, it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your Majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your Holiness

Word of God speak

I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice

You know that kinda feeling where you can be surrounded by crowds of people and yet still feel empty and lonely inside? God is the answer. Among the storm, where your surroundings seem to just be so hectic and messy and sucks all the life out of you, you still can have joy and feel positive about everything else. That's when you know God's carrying you on His shoulders. That's when you know that God is the one sustaining you, supporting you. That's when you can be still, and know He is God.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just a little something for You

Sing a sweet song unto the Lord, because He hears
Lift your hands high unto the Lord, because He sees
Bow your heads in reverence & in prayer to God, because He hears, He listens
Give your offering of words, praise & honour unto the Lord, because He deserves
Take off your masks before Him, come to Him as your are, because He looks within
Cast all your cares & burdens before Him, because He sustains
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind & strength, because He first loved us.

My soul finds rest in God alone;
My salvation comes from Him
He alone is my rock and my salvation
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken
-Psalms 62:1-2

Even as I start on the topic of literature and also marvel at the wonders of it, how can I forget the Creator of it? Literature is so beautiful, and what else can I use it for except to give praise to the Almighty God? Who put everything in place? Who set the stars where they are for us to admire? Even as I study, I don't wanna waste it. But I wanna give it as offering unto the Lord.

You are God in heaven
And here I am on Earth
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus I am so in love with You