Monday, November 19, 2007

Short hair?

I cut my hair. Again. So sue me.

I don't know what's come over me, cutting my hair so many times. I guess its become an obsession. Haha, no lah, that's an exaggeration. But when the hairdresser was cutting my hair I just kept saying in my head, "Cut more, cut more!"

I think I'm going crazy.

Let me tell you my history with hair.

I've had long hair since I was, about, Primary 2 and never ever cut it 'cos when I was about 6 years old this person cut my hair too short and I cried for 3 days and 3 nights. (Another exaggeration.) Well, I really treasured my hair back then and then was too traumatized to cut my hair short again.

This year, I don't know what's come over me, but one day I looked at my reflection and I decided I was sick of my long hair after so many years.

So I cut it the next day. Talk about being rash.

Some people think short hair doesn't suit me, but what can I do? What's done is done. Do I miss my long hair? Sure I do. I didn't miss it the first few weeks, but now, I'm starting to miss it more and more.

I should just get a move on.


L.Junyi™ said...

short hair suits you just fine.HAHA =)

Anonymous said...

haha, cheer up! short hair gives u a refreshing new look =D, your hair will grow longer eventually haha. It'll be back soon!

Anonymous said...

Short hair is nice on you. And yes, what is done is done. You cant possibly paste back your hair can you. But honestly, you look so much different.

Anonymous said...

haha. lucky for u, hair does grow. give it a few months ya. water them everyday and dont forget to give lots of sunshine =D

for the record. i didnt mean u should change when ali and were saying u never change. haha! we love u the way you are ya. and the has gotta be shocker of the year. just when u thought u've seen it all. hahaha

kenni said...

crazy ar you..not bad wurt. ;)
- kenni