Friday, November 9, 2007

Shoot my mouth off

Hello! Gonna be bloggin' about random things today.

Didya know? I have another blog! Hahah I really don't know what's up with me getting another one when I don't even update this regurly, but I'll try my best!

It's my e-Spiritual Journal, I thought it'd be easier to have two separate ones instead of lumping them both together here. Just for me to share my walk with God. Comment there too if you pop by!

I realised, that I was writing more freely before I actually let people see this blog. Now, I don't really write as freely anymore 'cos I guess in my subconscious mind I know that people get to see what I'm writing and therefore am more careful. I dunno. Just something I realised.

And, I can't express how much I love Ribena! I think, that it's the greatest drink ever invented and it's just oh-so-convenient and I love the way it tastes when I drink it when I'm thirsty. I get absolutely refreshed!

That's all for now, folks.

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