Thursday, June 5, 2008


If we really revere God and look to Him as the almighty God, then our prayer life would also follow accordingly.

It will no longer be petty prayers that are motivated by self-benefit like "make the bus come", "I pray that I won't be late" & in doing so treating God like a vending machine.

If we fear God, our prayers will be those that revere Him and honour Him, that acknowledges that He is God above all and that if it is in His will for things to happen, they will happen because He is God Almighty. And knowing so gives us confidence in God for allowing things that happen (or don't happen) and knowing that we can't always have things the way we want them to be.

It gives me the confidence that the Almighty God actually listens to Michelle-sized prayers, and that gives me great comfort.

Thank You, God.

Psalms 66:19-20
...but God has surely listened
and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God,
who has not rejected my prayer
or withheld his love from me!


Anonymous said...

i like this posts!! haha especially the verse at the end. so comforting and reassurring. guess it applies to everyone too! *my caleb (skinny) sized prayers*

oh, and yeah. prayed the bus will come quick so i wont be late like.... last week. haha guilty as charged as well. haha.

Miss Kon said...

hahaha no lah not guilty! i also always pray for bus to come man. haha.

anyway you nv tell me how did the speaker last friday go! the jane woman, i forgot her last name. dunno how to address her either. is she good is she good? :D oh and you're going for camp soon!

L.Junyi™ said...

haha.i tink wad you said applies to a lot of people.sometimes we just take things for granted maybe?

Miss Kon said...

dont know if it applies to a lot of ppl but it definitely applies to me man. haha.