Sometimes, Somethings
I think, some things are just meant for us to look at and marvel at God's creation. No matter how much we try, no matter what we do, we cannot retain these things. They're meant for that time, that place, and that person.
Call me sentimental, but I really believe so.
Like the moon and the stars. I know, common sight. But have you ever seen them at their best? It's like a blanket of sky covered with diamonds, and the moon being enthroned in the sky. It's such a beautiful sight. Especially when at night walking home after a long day, seeing the full moon immediately lifts my spirits.
But have you ever tried taken a picture of this magnificent view? It's virtually impossible. The effect will just be, gone. We can't capture God's awesome creation with man-made cameras. It just won't be the same.
Psalms 8:3-4
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
And snow! Snowflakes! Have you ever seen the real deal? When everywhere is covered with snow, festive season sets in, and children having fun in the white stuff? Haha, it's really a wonderful sight. Once, I caught a snowflake. It was beautiful. So my mum and I, we tried keeping it in the freezer, at least until winter ended. But it just didn't stay the same, the splendour was gone after a few hours, and no longer what it was before.
I guess the snowflake was meant for me at that time to marvel at, to make me feel loved by God, and not to be insistent on keeping it.
And, I guess, I couldn't ask for more. Thank You, God!
I thought i could see your deep longing to be transposed back in time imbued in this post, but it's good to see that ultimately, you were able to accept God's plan.
I like the sentence where you say that we can't capture God's awesome creations with man-made camara. How true! And, it's so amazing that the eye of our mind is able to capture all these awesome creations in our memory!
I'm really glad that you managed to overcome your giants! Keep up the good work! Just want to let you know, when the going gets tough, you can cry, you can get disappointed, you can get frustrated, but never give up! :)
And i just went for the interview on friday! It was really good! There was an essay test and an open debate, but really, when God is with me, who can be against me? It was largely undeserved grace. Tell you more when i see you. :)
how true! i did tried to take a picture of the moon but i cant capture its fullness!
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
i love this! =D
HI jieming sorry i took so long to reply your comment but never late then never huh?
Haha, it wasn't so much of a wanting-to-go-back-to-the-past kinda thing but more of a I-appreciate-God-for-what-He's-doing-in-my-life-and-He-knows-the-best-timing-for-me kinda thing. So I guess there's a difference! :D
Anyway, thanks for always dropping by and leaving your comments. Much appreciated, see you around! :)
Hi zhonghua,
nice to see you dropping by! And yea, I can never take the view that is displays God's majesty 'cos His majesty can never be contained. Awesome, huh. His love never fails to make me amazed every single day.
See you around! :D
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