Sunday, May 25, 2008


You know what's it like to really desire?

It's kinda a strong word.

We were talking about it in Lit class the other day, whether which word is more appropriate. Whether the "want to escape" or the "desire to escape" or the "motivation to escape" is more suitable when writing our essays.

Side-track: 'A's in about 5 months time! :O

And my teacher said that the "desire" for something only comes when it makes us wanna do something about it. Something like that.

I think, desire makes you wanna go out of the place where you are now and doing the thing that you really desire. That when you see that thing, your heart just totally wishes that you were there at that time, instead of where you are at this time. Oh gosh, do you know what I mean?

But no matter what it is, my One Desire needs to be God before I can do anything else. He needs to be the desire of my heart, before I can fulfill any of my other desires. There's something that I really really desire to do, but I know God must top it off, and before I can achieve that, none of the desires I have should take His place.

So, wait, Michelle, wait.

Isaiah 26:8-9b
Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws,
[I] wait for you;
your name and renown
are the desire of [my] heart.
My soul yearns for you in the night;
in the morning my spirit longs for you.

(If you wanna know what's the desire I'm talking 'bout, just ask me :D )


Anonymous said...

i understand! hahaha. and i miss lit classes. sigh. enjoy them while u can (unless u totally dread them already). :)

take care and God bless, michelle.

Miss Kon said...

eh my faithful commentor came back :D -throws party poppers to welcome you back-

haha no lah i don't dread them! in fact, i quite enjoy them compared to the rest of my classes. lol.

you don't have to be in lit class to enjoy lit, lit is all around you. -ahem- sorry, that was corny. lol. see you around caleb! :)