Sunday, October 7, 2007


I love the feeling of my fingers being able to be free on the keyboard and just expressing my love to God on the keyboard. It just feels so free. I guess that's why they call it 'free worship', because you are not only not limited within a song but you also feel so free. Wow. Refreshing. And after I played, I prayed:

Lord, every song I lift to You;
Praises of You are like honey on my lips,
So sweet and yet so precious
That everytime, once I've tasted it, I long for more
I yearn to linger in Your presence.
For it is You that leads me by still waters
And lets me rest under Your wing.
Almighty God!
I declare Your name!
So that people may hear, and will know,
That You are my God who delivers,
Who has mercy.
Never failing and undying is Your love
That lasts for a thousand generations.
I fear You, Lord
But yet, I want to draw nearer to You.
God, You are my Lord
Creator of the Heavens and the Earth!
No one can comprehend Your worth.

Sure, although some lines are taken out of the bible and some taken out from songs, each line is what I really mean and put together, they make my own personal song to the Lord.

And who says you need a melody to have a song? I have one in my heart. ♫


Estehrman said...

keyboard as in, typing or playing the keyboard?

Anonymous said...

What a nice song you have in your heart! And i think you have a melody to this song.

Your faith in Him. Your actions. You, living your life for Him, is the best melody to complement the song.

Jia you.:)

Miss Kon said...

of course it's the musical keyboard! i can't imagine singing along to a computer keyboard. lol.

Miss Kon said...

yup i agree with you totally! hahaha thanks for stopping by, come more often, tag more often and comment more often! hahaha. God bless :D

Anonymous said...

I will. :) You have used more often repeatedly, and this creates a rhythm that actually moves the sentence along. It's called parallel wording, and is actually a rhetoric skill. I like it. :)

Anonymous said...

haha awesome post. 1 thing i've noticed about you is ur attitude. its so pure. pure love. haha. cheers!