Saturday, October 6, 2007

Don't Know What to Blog About

Title tells all.

Life after Promos have been rather, what's the word, productive-less. If there's ever such a word.

Actually, I have tons to blog about 'cos I've got tons of thoughts that I've had recently that I think people can identify with but, now, they're all gone. So that explains why I haven't been blogging even though Promos have been over since one week ago. For me, writing must be a on-the-spot thing after I've gathered my thoughts, if not, the feeling won't be there anymore. Talk about writer's block.

What my thoughts are right now:

  • I love God. I love spending time with Him.
  • One day, I wanna travel the world.
  • I need to know how to drive. (I can't stand being stranded and being so helpless anymore.)
  • I think that the division between neighbourhood and elite schools is quite crap.
  • Why people won't bother bending down for a 5-cent coin anymore?
  • I love watching TV but it kinda sucks the life out of me after that.
  • I kinda like studying now. Studying ≠ Mugging.
Haha. Shall do a proper post soon. Cheers to all.

Sorry I know it's kinda irritating to see a down-dated (opposite of up-dated) blog for one month now, but will try to update regularly from now on!


Anonymous said...

haha, writer's block. pretty common, that i totally agree with you.

hahah driving again! u'll make it at 21! its fun being stranded sometimes though.

its always fun with God no matter where or when. anyways! all the best for the results! studying is fun too, mugging is nt haha! cheers!

Miss Kon said...

yup glad you agree with whatever i said on the post. hahah

Anonymous said...

ay u like studying. thats a very good habit. seriously. haha.