Thursday, July 3, 2008


Sorry for the lag in updates, have been through the torturous Mid-Year Examinations. Draining, difficult, and dreadful.

Okay, maybe overexaggerating.

But to emphasize this point, the other day I was thinking what a U could stand for. (Point of Information: In JC, the grading system goes from A, B, C, D, E, S (Subpass) and U (UNGRADED).

I mean, how can you even mark someone Ungraded when you obviously did grade it? Well, i thought A Big Fat U could stand for: Underachieving, Underperforming, Unsatisfactory, Unheard of, Unacceptable, Unanticipated, UGLY.

But, looking at it in another perspective, it could also stand for: Unafraid, Unashamed ("Lord we know who we are..." Hahah YI people know), Unshaken, Undefeated, Uncompromising, Unconditional (Perseverance) , Unconventional!

I hope my results are like the latter.

And that goes on top of the hope that I don't get a U.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. gosh. when u think, u really, THINK.

so many adjectives starting with 'U'.

:) u finally began posting again! like, YEAHHHHHH. haha congrats on finishing ur exams!

Miss Kon said...

hello caleb! you know getting a U is so so so so scary, you have no idea. haha. i haven't really finished the entire process of exams cos havent gotten back my results yet :O scary scary scary!

Anonymous said...

haha dont worry! its over. trust God yeah. i'm sure u wont get a U... and actually... yeah.. i guess i'll never know how it feels like..

haha, an 'F' sounds more scary though. what happened to the good o'l days of 'F's?!!!

i miss my 'F's. HAHA. just kidding :)

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.