Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Acronym World

My Common Test is starting in two weeks and I'm starting to F.T.H. I really think I C.M.I since I'm not consistent in all my tests and assignments and C.S.S when studying :( I hope I will P.W.F.C for all my subjects and not F.M.T.


F.T.H -- Feel The Heat
C.M.I -- Cannot Make It
C.S.S -- Cannot Sit Still
P.W.F.C -- Pass With Flying Colors
F.M.T -- Fail Miserably Terribly
C.T.A -- Cheers To All

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mic kon!you really like to use short form uhh?anyway really enjoy to study with you :)) pray man!i am sure you would not P.W.F.C but P.W.A1!!!1