Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Between Tasks

In between tasks, I take time out to talk and listen to God:

Lord, so often I've wondered
If I've said the right thing
Or given the right advice
Or prayed enough
Or read Your word enough
Why am I always so uncertain?
"Child, nothing you could do
Would never be 'enough'.
Leave yourself alone
And delight in me."

I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God
-Isaiah 61:10

It's not all always about the highs, how much life is wonderful with God and all, but I do have my uncertain moments too. But that's what keeps it real, doesn't it? God doesn't want me to be perfect, He wants me to make mistakes, wants me to fall, He wants me to listen to Him and move on. That's what causes growth.

Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed by the pressures of life and time but listening to what God has to say and just knowing that He is there keeps me going.

God, You are my best inspiration.


Estehrman said...

AMEN! haha.

L.Junyi™ said...

AMEN to that. GO GO MICKON. falls are NOT failures,there are POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH!GO GO!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. Dont give up on what ur doing. keep going at it, all the best. when u feel ur down, look to ur inspiration to give ya strength.

joash lee said...

hello michelle. your close walk with God just motivates me to be close to Him too. it reminds me of the relationship i have with God. sometimes i forget what it feels like. so yeah, thanks! just keep going, promos coming soon! let's have a win-win situation. nobody loses! :P

Miss Kon said...

amen to your amen! LOL

Miss Kon said...

yeah don't you forget about failures too! haha. awesome stuff! keep pressing on for Him ya! cheers :D

Miss Kon said...

by the time i've replied you, promos already long ended! haha but i'm glad my posts have encouraged you and i'm looking forward to YOUR encouraging posts as well. haha. promo results make me go :S

Miss Kon said...

thanks for your encouragement! nxt time, if you can, leave your name so i know who you are :)