Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Title-less Post

I'm so proud of myself 'cos now I'm blogging regularly. But this also means I come online regularly which is not good too. I'm gonna stop coming so regularly when Promos are dead near.

Which is actually, like, now, but anyhow, I'm here already so might as well blog.

So it's a title-less post 'cos I don't really have a title for this as I'm gonna blog just about happenings and thoughts going through my mind lately.

Firstly, prayer meeting today was so awesome, God's presence was just there in the room in the midst of 12 people and I can testify today that when "two or three come together in [God's] name, there [He is] with [us]". Matthew 18:20 And for those who were there today, never give up in finding that promised land with breakthrough alright! I just looooovvve it when all of God's people come together and worship Him wholeheartedly, God never fails to turn up. Awesome God! And to think that I was worried because the previous day I had no idea what to say, but God always turns up when I cry out to Him and voila! I had an awesome time in His presence.

Secondly, Mrs Beh (my literature teacher for Pride & Prejudice) said something today that got me thinking. Haha, it's actually not some deep philosophy or anything, but she was actually trying to illustrate how it would feel like for Darcy to propose to Elizabeth so she asked us to imagine Prince William/Harry/jksldjfskd (I can't remember which) came to Pioneer Junior College and come up to one of us saying that he saw our face on facebook and wants to marry now.

To be honest I actually imagined that happening to me, and I actually thought what I would do. You know, as you grow older, the idea of the future keeps coming, and marriage is definitely one of them (don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about).

I think most girls would definitely wanna marry a rich guy so we girls don't needa work for the rest of our lives and play mahjong with ten gold rings on our ten fingers, watied on hand and foot. Discover the taitai in you!

But when I put myself in that situation when Prince jksldjfskd wants to propose to me (LOL I can't believe I actually imagined the whole thing out), I would say a straight 'NO'. Because the first thing that would come into my mind would be 'I can't go to church anymore', and then 'What about my family?' and "I won't be able to stay with my parents anymore" and "I won't ever learn how to drive 'cos I will have a chauffeur" and "I won't be able to praise God freely at home any longer" and "I won't be able to see my brothers and sisters in Christ as frequent any more".

So who cares about Prince jksldjfskd? I wanna live my life the way God planned it out to be. :D


Estehrman said...

Wa seh mic kon. Hahaha. I dont know what to say. hahahaa anyway im first to comment?

Miss Kon said...

yes you are!!! first time! :D haha may your prince lajskdfj come one day hahahah

Anonymous said...

HA! sweet!

then again.... u think too much la. i dont think prince jksdljfskd would wanna marry you. HAHAHHAA.

babychong said...

lol.caleb i agree wit you! AHA!

yep live our lives the way God planned it to be! that will be living life to the fullest! :)

anyway my toilet is not fixed yet! haha. it will take a couple of days to change the toilet bowl, remove the bathtub, change the tiles... *get the picture? haha!

study hard miss kon! gimme gimme yr exams timetable ya! i'll be happily praying fer you!:)

Anonymous said...

why are girls so obsessed with rich guys and tai tai? LOLS!
nice statement: discover the tai tai in you haha.

Gladys L said...

wah. mickon. why you dont want prince jksldjfskd.HAHAHAHAH! its an advantage you know, since he's rich, he can pay for ur transport. go church also free, go sch also free. d: hahahahahhaahhahahaha.

AnnLOVEED said...

wah seh!you should be marrying another guy not prince blah blah blah..haha...lOls..wad is june's toilet gotta do with you!?and btw CALEB:EDIFYING WORDS!

L.Junyi™ said...

woohoo~Amen to the last line.heh.

Miss Kon said...

sorry i took forever to reply you but, i still wanna stone you for saying no prince would want me. you think any princess would want you? hmph. where'd you go anyway? you don't come anymore. haha.

Miss Kon said...

sorry i took ages to reply you too! haha bet your toilet is already in working condition long long long ago. and my promos also over long long long ago. lol. come back too, june! my blog needs faithful people like you.LOL

Miss Kon said...

taitais are the 'in' thing to be these days, don't you know? haha

Miss Kon said...

free but i don't get to do things by myself and discover the wonderful driving skills that i have! how can! haha. kidding. come by more often gladys! God blesss YOU

Miss Kon said...

june's toilet has everything to do with me. haha. and thanks for rebutting caleb, ann. LOL.

Miss Kon said...

in actual fact i quite care about prince jksldjfskd. haha no lah kidding. any guy also can. lol!

Anonymous said...

They don't work! They'll permit you to get an sizegenetics, that's about all, and finding an sizegenetics has never been a problem for me, so the pump was simply a waste of money.But what about penis sizegenetics sizegenetics and lotions? Forget about them! How could any pill or lotion give you a bigger penis? Now, when makers of Viagra brought out a penis sizegenetics pill, I might possibly be tempted to give it a try, but otherwise, no thank you.Dependent upon this man's experience, and my own opinion as a general researcher and reviewer on this field, should you want a bigger penis, you want to be prepared to work for it.