Sunday, April 13, 2008

An 'A' is so straight and upright, the epitome of perfection. Though one letter, it spells hard work, a relentless attitude that never gives up and when recieved, is so rewarding. Getting an 'A' means you're at the top.
A 'B' is curvier, not so perfect, it's the 2nd to an 'A'. And it knows it, too. It's not as straight, not as deserving, not as perfect. All its life it's lived in the shadow of the 'A'. But still, it's better than none.
'C' is nonchalant, can be written with just a stroke of the pen and how easy it is to write it. A 'C' just, is a 'C'.
And for Project Work, I got a 'B'.
My feelings about it are subject to your interpretation.

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